Can dogs eat bagels?

bagel with salmon and cream cheese

We recommend keeping bagels away from your dog – read on to find out why.

What are bagels?

Ahhh … the warm, delicious bagel. A food that has become synonymous with breakfast, and hugely popular in cities such as New York, so much so that a ‘New York Style’ of bagel exists. It is a type of bread roll, or bun, with its origins from the Jewish communities living in Poland. Immigrants brought the mighty bagel into the United States, and now it has become a staple not only there, but the world over.


There are many variations of the bagel, however they generally contain wheat flour, water, salt and yeast. Additional ingredients can include sugar, high fructose corn syrup, barley malt, eggs, milk or butter. Poppy seeds, sesame seeds and other toppings can adorn the bagel. Bagels look like donuts in appearance, with a hole in the middle and a glossy sheen from the boiling process before baking. They have a distinctive chewy texture when eaten as compared to other breads.

Can dogs have bagels?

We recommend that you do not feed your dog bagels. Just like many types of breads, the flour content in bagels mean that they are high in carbohydrates. While carbohydrates are an energy source, having too much of it can lead to your dog feeling bloated, as well as being overweight. Gluten from the wheat may also cause issues for your dog if your dog is gluten intolerant.


Some extra bagel ingredients are a no-no for your dog – and these include what’s baked into, on top of and placed in between your bagel slices. For example, onion and garlic are not safe for dogs to eat, and are included in some varieties of bagels. Some nuts such as macadamia nuts should also be kept away. Xylitol, which is an artificial sweetener that replaces sugar in some recipes, is also dangerous to dogs and must be avoided.


If you’ve accidentally fed your dog a tiny bit of bagel, or if your dog was being cheeky and took a bite, it’s likely that your dog is fine. If it has eaten enough of the bagel, then it can be a problem – we recommend you take your pet to the vet if you notice any symptoms. All in all, we recommend that you keep those bagels away from your dog because they aren’t the best food for canines.

Can dogs have everything bagels?

Everything bagels – are, true to name – bagels with almost everything added on top! We can’t deny their deliciousness for humans, however for dogs they should be especially avoided. That’s because they contain more ingredients, and more chance of your dog becoming ill. Many everything bagels contain garlic and onion flakes, which can harm your dog. And if the bagels contain mixed nuts, then it is possible macadamia nuts are used, which are also not dog safe.


I’m sure you love bagels, and also love your pet dog (because we sure do!). So keep the bagels to yourself, and away from your pet pooch. Feed your dog healthier alternatives such as carrots, rice, boiled chicken or high quality, specially-made dog food instead.

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