Can Cats Eat Takis? All You Need to Know!

takis fuego corn snack

Image (adapted) by DSCN4229 CC BY

Avoid feeding your cat Takis. Takis are poor in nutrients and some of the different flavors can contain toxic ingredients for cats.


Ingredients in Takis

Takis are a rolled corn chip sold in some countries including America and Mexico (they were actually invented in Mexico). They come in a multitude of spicy flavors and contain different seasonings depending on the variety.

The Takis ingredients list will usually include:

  • Corn masa flour
  • Oil (soybean, palm or canola oil)
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Artificial colors
  • Artificial flavors

Depending on the flavor, Takis can also contain:

  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Hot chili pepper
  • Other spicy powders
  • Lime


Nutritional content of Takis

Looking at the nutritional label of Takis “Fuego”, one of the most popular flavors, you will see (per 1 ounce or 28 gram serving):

  • 140 calories
  • 16% of the Daily Value of sodium (390 mg)
  • 8 grams of fat
  • 16 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2 grams of protein


From the label you can see that Takis are high in calories, salt, fat and carbohydrates. While there is protein which your cat needs to build and maintain muscle, it’s a small amount compared to the higher amounts of bad stuff! Too much sodium can make your cat dehydrated and thirsty, and high amounts can even be fatal.

long haired cat being fed

Can cats have Takis?

If your cat has eaten a very small amount of Takis (some crumbs or a nibble), it will likely be fine due to the low quantity consumed. However, if your cat eats enough Takis then it may get sick. This is because of the reasons below:

  • Onion, garlic and chives are some vegetables/herbs that are toxic to cats. Even though these will be in powdered form and processed, they can still induce clinical signs of poisoning. Eating these ingredients or any other member of the Allium family of plants can harm red blood cells in cats.
  • Too much chili flavoring can irritate the stomach and the rest of the digestive system for your pet. Gastritis is a condition where the stomach gets inflamed. Spiciness and chili can cause tummy upsets in humans, and it is the same for cats. With flavors like “Fuego”, “Blue Heat” and “Nitro” you would be correct if you guessed that spiciness and chili are what make Takis popular.
  • Takis are a junk food, and as such contain high calorie, high fat and high sodium levels. Regularly consumed, they may cause your cat to put on weight, become diabetic and have heart problems. There is also little nutritional benefit in feeding your cat Takis.

So, the answer to your question is – no, we do not recommend feeding your cat Takis corn chips!



You should fight your temptation to share your Takis snack with your feline friend. There are many downsides to feeding your cat this type of food, and it simply isn’t worth it. If your cat has accidentally eaten a small amount with no visible symptoms, then it is likely fine. However, it’s best to give your pet a treat specially made for cats. Cooked fish is another cat-friendly option you can try.

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