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deep fried calamari with salad
Dog Diets

Can dogs eat calamari?

Yes, and no! Generally yes, if it is plain and cooked by steaming or boiling. No, if it is cooked in oil with lots of

chorizo in package
Dog Diets

Can dogs eat chorizo?

It’s best to avoid feeding your canine chorizo – read below to find out why. What is chorizo? A chorizo is a type of sausage

lima bean salad with egg on plate
Dog Diets

Can dogs eat lima beans?

Image by T.Tseng CC BY 2.0 Dogs can have lima beans as long as they are cooked beforehand and served without anything extra (for example

octopus dish
Dog Diets

Can dogs eat octopus?

Yes, if it is plain and cooked by steaming or boiling; as well as in moderation as part of a balanced diet.   No, if

girl eating cotton candy
Dog Diets

Can dogs eat cotton candy?

No – cotton candy, candy floss or fairy floss – is not a healthy food for your dog as it is mainly sugar. It can


white cat walking

Help! My Cat’s Leg Is Shaking!

Have you recently noticed that your cat’s leg has been shaking? A trembling, shaking, twitching or spasm in your cat’s leg is a worrying sight