Can dogs eat jelly?

fruit jelly spread croissant

Whether you are referring to the fruit spread jelly, or gelatin desert jelly (Jell-O), the answer is no – you should not feed your dog jelly.

What is jelly?

Depending on where you live, jelly can have two different meanings. In America, for example, jelly generally refers to the sweetened spread made from fruit juice, pectin, sugar and an acid. Sometimes the jelly spread is made with just the fruit juice, provided it is thick enough to set on its own after straining from the fruit. This is great on toast or as a condiment with baked treats (such as the American biscuit or British scone).


In the UK or Australia, however, the term jelly refers to something slightly different. It refers to the gelatinous dessert made by dissolving gelatin, sugar, flavorings and sometimes color. The mixture is then left to cool, after which it forms a wiggly, jiggly desert! In America, it is commonly known as Jell-O. It is usually eaten by itself or with custard or ice cream, rather than as a spread on a slice of bread. And it usually comes in a powdered form from the supermarket shelf.

Can dogs have jelly?

dog laying down

Unfortunately, you should not feed your dog jelly, whether you are referring to the American meaning of jelly or the British meaning of jelly. That is because in both types there is usually a large amount of sugar. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, dental cavities or obesity, to name some!


Also, sometimes artificial sweeteners are added which can be bad for your dog. Xylitol is a toxic sweetener you should not be feeding your dog. In both types of jellies, things like grapes, tomatoes and rhubarb could possibly be used – and these fruits are also toxic to your dog. And that’s not to mention all the extra preservatives or flavorings which may not be dog friendly either!


If your dog has eaten a small amount of jelly, and you have checked that it does not contain any toxic ingredients, then it should be fine – provided it is only a small amount. If you are unsure, or if your dog is in discomfort, then we recommend you speak to a veterinary expert to be safe.

Can dogs eat jelly beans?

Now that we’re on the topic of jelly, you may also wonder about jelly beans. Well, we are sorry to say again, for the same reasons as above, you should avoid giving your dog jelly beans. The normal sugar, and even the sugar free versions, are both not dog friendly. Jelly beans may contain sugars, artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol, colorings, flavorings and preservatives, which are all bad or toxic to your dog. There are just too many possible bad ingredients, and too many chances for your beloved pet to fall ill!


Jelly can refer to different things depending on the country you are in – however, in either case it is best to avoid feeding your dog any. This is due to the high sugar content and possibilities for toxic ingredients to be added. There are many healthier, alternative snacks for your dog, which you can give instead. Not only will your dog be happier and healthier, you’ll also have the piece of mind that your pet is safe!

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