Can Dogs Eat Avocado? Reasons Why!

Sliced Avocado Pink Background

Dogs should only eat small amounts of avocado with the pits and skin removed. You should not feed too much to your dog.


Benefits of feeding your dog avocado

Dogs can benefit from eating fruits and vegetables in addition to meat. Avocado actually contains healthy fat, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which may be beneficial for your pet. In fact, they can also be found in some dog foods and treats.


Why can’t dogs have avocado?

While a small amount of avocado isn’t likely to harm your dog, the below reasons explain why avocados can be dangerous for your dog:

  • Avocados contain a fungicidal toxin called persin – which, in high enough quantities – can cause stomach upsets and possibly heart damage in dogs. Persin is concentrated in the leaves, skin and pit of the avocado fruit. It is also present in the avocado flesh in small concentrations, which is why the flesh is considered harmless to humans.
  • The pit can be a choking hazard as it is small enough to be swallowed whole by many dogs, but large enough to obstruct their airways. Even if completely swallowed, it may obstruct your dog’s intestinal system. This is why you should not serve whole avocados to your dog.
  • The high fat content in the avocado flesh can cause gastrointestinal upsets and pancreatitis in the short term for your dog. In the long term, your dog may gain weight and all the issues that come with it. This is why you should always feed your dog in moderation if serving them avocados.


Final thoughts

There are some benefits in feeding your dog this popular fruit. If you want to feed your dog avocados, ensure to prepare them properly by removing the pit, skin and any leaves. Additionally, always practice moderation when feeding them to your pet canine to reduce the risk of any issues.

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