Can Dogs Eat Fish Sticks?

fish sticks on a plate

The answer depends on the type of fish sticks, and what is in the ingredients list – but generally fish sticks can be eaten by your dog. As they are usually cooked in oil, you should only feed it to them in small amounts or not at all.

What are fish sticks?

Fish sticks, as they are known in America, are a type of food made using processed fish, shaped into long ‘sticks’ and covered in breadcrumbs or batter. They are usually available frozen from the store – and are baked in the oven, pan fried or deep fried before consumption. Generally, they are made of a fish with white flesh such as cod, pollock, hake or haddock. More often than not they are shaped into finger sized rectangles and covered in a golden brown crumb coating, served with ketchup, tomato sauce or tartar sauce. In other places such as Britain or Australia, fish sticks are known as fish fingers.

Can dogs have fish sticks?

dog eating fish and chips on a beach

Most fish sticks are fine for your dog to eat, however we recommend you check the ingredients list on the package first. Some foods which are potentially dangerous to your dog include:

  • onions, garlic and chives
  • grapes and raisins
  • artificial sweeteners such as xylitol
  • avocado
  • macadamia nuts
  • milk or dairy
  • too much salt
  • too much sugar
  • too much oils or fats


So if you see any of the above, then its best to feed your dog something else!

How to prepare fish sticks for dogs?

If you must feed your dog fish sticks, the best way is to buy fish sticks with minimal extra ingredients. You especially want to avoid any ingredients mentioned above that may harm your pet pooch. To avoid adding extra fats and oils to the fish sticks, try baking or air frying instead of deep frying before serving.

Alternatively, why not feed your dog cooked, fresh fish instead? You can use a more nutritious fish such as salmon or tuna. Some suggestions below:

  • Grill the fish
  • Steam the fish
  • Bake the fish
  • Serve the fish mixed with plain rice or pasta


However, there are some things to remember!

  • Debone the fish or fish fillets first
  • Do not serve them raw
  • Do not use extras like onions, garlic and chives
  • Do not cook them in oils or fats


Fish sticks can generally be fed to your dog in small quantities. It’s best to avoid fish sticks with added extra ingredients like what we listed above. Because of the potentially high amounts of salt, fats and oils, we recommend you try healthier options instead, like cooked fresh fish. Your dog will love you for it!

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