Can dogs eat lima beans?

lima bean salad with egg on plate

Image by T.Tseng CC BY 2.0

Dogs can have lima beans as long as they are cooked beforehand and served without anything extra (for example oil, seasoning or garlic).

What are lima beans?

The lima bean – also known as the butter bean – is a type of legume commonly eaten by humans. It can be beige to green in its colour, and is flat, wide and kidney-shaped in its appearance. It has a mild flavour and creamy (some say buttery!) texture. In your local grocery store you may find these beans sold in their dry, canned or frozen forms.


The domesticated lima bean is thought to have originated from Mesoamerica (a historic name for what is now the southern part of North America), as well as South America. However, now they are not only enjoyed in those regions – but all across the world! You can use them in soups, stews, salads, bakes, curries and many other dishes. It is also one of the main ingredients in dishes such as paella, from Spain.

Can dogs have lima beans?

Yes – dogs can eat lima beans! We recommend you serve them to your dog cooked and plain, without extras such as oil, seasonings or garlic. We also recommend you feed them in moderation.


Raw lima beans contain linamarin, which can actually turn into cyanide in your body when eaten. Cyanide is toxic to both humans and dogs – as such we don’t recommend you feed raw lima beans to your pet dog. However, once cooked, the beans become safe to eat (some say you should cook them for at least 10 minutes).


We also don’t recommend you add any extras to your lima beans. We humans enjoy seasoning our dishes for extra flavour. However for dogs some common foods such as onions, garlic and chives are actually dangerous! So avoid preparing lima beans with anything extra, and avoid canned beans (which can contain nasty extras such as preservatives).


Feeding your pet too many beans can also cause them discomfort. Beans are famous for making humans gassy, and the same could happen to your dog. So avoid overfeeding your dog too many lima beans!

Are lima beans good for dogs?

For every 100g of boiled, large lima beans, there can be 7g of dietary fiber, 3g of sugar and 8g of protein. The fiber component can be good for your dog in the right amounts. Iron, Vitamin B6 and magnesium are also present, which are all required by your dog to stay healthy and happy!

How to prepare lima beans for dogs?

You can serve lima beans to your pet canine in a way they can enjoy! Some suggestions include:

  • Serving them by themselves
  • Serving them mixed with other foods such as meat, or rice
  • Blending them
  • Mashing them into a softer consistency


As mentioned before, it is important to remember the below when preparing the lima beans for your dog:

  • Cook the beans plain (we recommend soaking if the beans are dry, then boiling)
  • Do not use extras like onions, garlic and chives
  • Do not cook them in oils or fats
  • Do not serve them raw
  • Avoid canned beans (which may contain additives)
  • Avoid overfeeding!


Lima beans can be fed to your dog – they have nutritional benefits if included as part of your dog’s diet. As with any type of food, it is important to know how to prepare and serve them properly to your pet pooch. Cook and serve them plain, in the right amounts, and your dog will be happy!

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