Can dogs eat Vienna sausages?

vienna sausage on a plate with ham

We recommend you do not feed your dog Vienna sausages – keep reading below to find out why.

What is Vienna sausage?

A Vienna sausage is a type of sausage made from ground pork and beef, encased in sheep’s intestine or another edible casing. Originally from Europe, and named after the Austrian city of Vienna, they are now enjoyed in many countries worldwide. They are very similar in taste to North American hotdogs. Vienna sausages will often have added herbs and spices – such as salt, cloves, nutmeg, garlic and onion. Some canned varieties can be made of other meats such as processed chicken.

Can dogs have Vienna Sausages?

dog peeking

We recommend that you do not feed your dog any Vienna sausages. This is because they often contain garlic and onion – even powdered forms of these can be harmful to your dog. Onions, garlic and chives (from the Allium family) are poisonous to dogs and should be avoided. Additionally, there can be high amounts of salt and fat in the sausages that are not healthy for your dog. Too much fat can lead to weight gain and all the issues associated with being overweight. Canned Vienna sausages can also contain nasty preservatives as well. Whether canned or not – it’s best to avoid all types of Vienna sausage for your pet.


Because of all the extras added into Vienna sausages, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your dog. The added seasonings can be toxic and may make your dog sick. The fat content can also lead to issues for your dog down the track if they are part of your dog’s long term diet. Why not feed your dog something else, such as a carrot or a specially made dog treat?

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