Can dogs eat water chestnuts?

water chestnut

Water chestnuts make a great snack for your dog, whether raw or cooked – just remember to prepare them as suggested below.

What are water chestnuts?

Water chestnuts are, in fact, not a nut! They are an aquatic vegetable that grows submerged in water in muddy fields. The part that you are most familiar with, and that humans eat, is actually the rounded ‘corm’ – or, in other words, the bulbous underground stem base which is used as a storage organ for the plant. They are different to your standard chestnut, which is a nut.


In appearance, it looks like a small, flattened radish. It has a brown or reddish brown skin, which once removed reveals a white flesh. When eaten it tastes somewhat crisp or crunchy, slightly sweet and nutty. It maintains these properties even after cooking!

Can dogs have water chestnuts?

Yes! Water chestnuts are non-toxic for your dog. They are mainly water and carbohydrates, with a little bit of protein and a tiny bit of fat. The water content can help hydrate your dog and make for a refreshing snack. Additionally, they contain a range of other vitamins (such as vitamin B6 and B2) and minerals (such as Potassium and Manganese) which can be beneficial to your dog in the right quantities.


It’s important to note that while dogs can have water chestnuts, it’s best to remove the skin as it may be a choking hazard or cause digestion issues. It can also contain nasties (e.g. pathogens) if not washed properly.


And, of course – just like with any other food for your dog, avoid the human seasonings – such as garlic, onions and chives which are not dog friendly. Also avoid adding any extra fats or oils to the water chestnuts – it’s best to serve them plain!

How to prepare water chestnuts for dogs?

I’m sure we all want our doggy friends to be happy, healthy and safe when we feed them any type of food or treats. So, we recommend you follow the below tips when preparing water chestnuts for your dog:

  • use the fresh variety
  • remove the skins
  • steam or boil if cooking
  • serve them plain (no seasoning!)
  • serve them by themselves or with other dog friendly foods
  • serve them as is or mashed
  • serve them in moderation


Water chestnuts are safe to feed your dog, and your pet will likely enjoy this crunchy delicious treat! Just ensure that they are prepared as mentioned above, to reduce any issues for your beloved pet. It’s great when we find a food that we humans eat, that can also be shared with our little (or not so little!) canine friends!

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