Can Dogs Have Yakult? Benefits and Side Effects

Yakult drink

Image by Tbatb CC BY-SA 4.0

What is Yakult?

Yakult is a brand of a popular fermented milk drink from Japan, which contains a type of probiotic. Probiotics are bacteria that may be good for gut health and have other benefits. The drink is milky, sweet and slightly sour in taste – almost tasting like a sweet yogurt. The drink is liquid-like in consistency, and not thick. It comes in a small plastic bottle with a recognizable shape and foil top.


What are the ingredients in Yakult?

Yakult recipes may vary slightly between countries. However, Yakult generally contains water, nonfat or skim milk, sugar, flavorings and a probiotic culture. Below lists the exact ingredients for the classic Yakult variety of drink from three different countries:

  • Yakult USA: water, sugar, nonfat milk, glucose, natural flavors, Lactobacillus casei Shirota
  • Yakult UK: water, skimmed milk (reconstituted), glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, maltodextrin, flavourings. Contains casei Shirota.
  • Yakult Australia: water, skim milk powder (reconstituted), sugar, dextrose, flavouring, Live Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain


How is Yakult made?

According to Yakult Australia, a milk solution (containing the milk powder, water, sugar and dextrose) is created and then sterilized. A starter culture of the Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain is then added to the milk solution, and the entire mixture is left to ferment. During fermentation the bacteria multiplies. After this it then goes through a process of homogenization (i.e. making the solution uniform) and blending/mixing (with flavors and sugar syrup). It is then diluted with water before bottling.


Is Yakult good for dogs? Yakult benefits

The important ingredient in Yakult is the probiotic strain called Lactobacillus casei Shirota. This probiotic has been scientifically proven to survive and reach the small intestine alive when consumed. Probiotics are said to have many health benefits, especially in the digestive system. Probiotics may help the digestive system, immune system and with allergies in dogs, amongst other benefits. A dog with an imbalance of gut bacteria may benefit from probiotics in their diet. Another dog-friendly food rich in probiotics to consider is Greek yogurt.


Is Yakult safe for dogs? Side effects

While there may be benefits in Yakult, it also contains around 10g of sugar per bottle. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and diabetes for your pet. As Yakult is a dairy product, it also contains lactose. Lactose intolerance can give your dog side effects such as an upset tummy, diarrhea and bloating.


Can I give my dog Yakult?

Yes, you can give your dog Yakult in small amounts and in moderation (usually no more than once or twice per week, depending on the size of your dog). If you notice your dog having issues after consuming Yakult, then you should remove it from your dog’s diet. We recommend pouring the Yakult into a dog-friendly bowl when serving, as the plastic bottle and metal foil can be a choking hazard for your dog.

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