Can Dogs Have Yakult? Benefits and Side Effects
Image by Tbatb CC BY-SA 4.0 What is Yakult? Yakult is a brand of a popular fermented milk drink from Japan, which contains a type of probiotic. Probiotics are bacteria that may be good for gut health and have other benefits. The drink is milky, sweet and slightly sour in taste – almost tasting like […]
Why Do Dogs Howl At the Moon? Myth or More?
An image of a dog howling at the moon is one we’ve all seen or imagined before. It’s one of those things that seem like a dog thing to do. And when you think of wolves, you probably think of the same thing – a lone wolf standing on a cliff in the dark of […]
Do Dogs Know Their Names? How Do They Do It?
Many of us pet owners consider our pets to be a part of our families. And of course, it is only natural for us to give our pets a name. But do you ever wonder if your dog really knows what its name is? Whether it’s Bella, Max, Charlie or Snoopy – is this just […]
Why Are My Dogs Ears Hot? Common Causes!
While you pat or play with your dog, you may notice that its ears are warmer than usual, or even hot. There could be several explanations for this, including: Ear infection: your dog could have a bacteria or yeast infection in the ears. You may notice a redness, inflammation, discharge or smell from the infected […]
How to Prevent Ear Infections in Dogs – What You Can Do
Ear infections in dogs are a common occurrence. In fact, one pet insurance company listed ear infections as one of their top 5 medical conditions claimed for in 2018. Ear infections can affect the external, middle or inner ear canal. While ear infections can usually be resolved with veterinary attention and treatment, sometimes they can […]
Swelling After Neutering Dog? What You Need To Know
Neutering of pet dogs, also known as desexing, castration or spaying, is a common procedure recommended by most vets. In male dogs, this involves the removal of the testicles from the scrotum. Benefits of neutering include decreased risk of testicular cancer along with prevention of unwanted offspring and aggressive behaviors during heat. However, neutering is […]
Why Do Dogs Eat Toilet Paper? 7 Reasons Why!
You’ve come home after a long day at work – and what do you see? Shredded pieces of toilet paper everywhere! Whether it’s toilet paper, Kleenex, facial tissues or paper towels – this is probably a common scenario for dog owners across the world. Worse yet, your dog may have eaten some of the paper! […]
Why Do Dogs Like Bones? 5 Reasons Why!
You may have wondered, why do all dogs go crazy for bones? Why do dogs love bones, as much as cats love fish? If you want to find out where to get raw bones for your dog, as well as the benefits and risks of feeding your dog bones, click here. Otherwise, keep reading below […]
Where to Get Raw Bones for Dogs
Raw bones can be a great treat for your dog, and we know dogs love bones. However, you may have had trouble finding them in the past. Well, we have the answer for you! Below you will find four locations you can get raw dog bones from. We’ll also discuss the benefits, risks and things […]
How Often Should a Dog Poop? The Info You Need!
As a pet owner, you are likely to have wondered to yourself “how often should my dog poop?”, or “how often should my dog go to the toilet?”. Well, the answer is – it depends. Younger dogs and puppies can go multiple times a day, while older and larger dogs may only need to go […]