Why Do Dogs Howl At the Moon? Myth or More?

dog and wolf howling at moon

An image of a dog howling at the moon is one we’ve all seen or imagined before. It’s one of those things that seem like a dog thing to do. And when you think of wolves, you probably think of the same thing – a lone wolf standing on a cliff in the dark of the night, with the bright white moon in the background. So do dogs, and wolves, really howl at the moon?

The answer is, dogs don’t really howl at the moon – in fact, dogs howl as a form of communication and may just be talking to their neighborhood canine friends.


The origin of the myth

The importance of the moon with wolves has been enshrined in mythology or folklore across many cultures. And since dogs are said to have evolved from wild wolves, this idea of wolves and moons may have extended into dogs as well.

  • In Native American mythology, wolves and the moon go hand in hand. Wolves are considered as guardians protecting the moon.
  • In Hungarian folklore, werewolves were said to transform into wolves during a full moon. And not to mention, the werewolf has become a classic monster portrayed in many horror films since at least the early 1900s.
  • Norse mythology describes two wolves, called Skoll and Hati, each chasing the sun and moon respectively, in order to devour them.


Reasons why dogs seem to be howling at the moon

Apart from wolves and moons being closely associated with each other through mythology, here are some other reasons why people may think dogs howl at the moon:

  • Dogs and wolves tilt their heads up when howling. This may be an instinctual behavior that helps the howl travel further and reach other dogs. Thus, it looks like the dog is howling at the moon, when it is really just howling towards the sky.
  • A full moon provides more light at night. As such, your dog may see more around them and become more active. In fact, your dog may even bark more often during a full moon, as they can see other small animals about, such as bats or squirrels.
  • It’s quieter at night, so you may perceive dogs howling more compared to during the day. Sort of like how you can hear a pin drop in a quiet room, but not normally. A quieter time of day also helps a dog’s howling to travel further.
  • An unexplainable phenomenon. A study published in 2007 yielded results that suggested that more emergency room visits occurred on fuller moon days, for both dogs and cats. So, there could be a connection between a full moon, and dogs and cats needing emergency care. Perhaps there is another explanation we do not know about?

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