Why Do Dogs Like Bones? 5 Reasons Why!

dog eating bone

You may have wondered, why do all dogs go crazy for bones? Why do dogs love bones, as much as cats love fish? If you want to find out where to get raw bones for your dog, as well as the benefits and risks of feeding your dog bones, click here. Otherwise, keep reading below to find out why your dog loves to chew on a bone!


Why do dogs like to chew on bones?


1. Because bones are tasty

Your dog may love chewing on bones, because it thinks bones are tasty! In fact, bone marrow can contain a lot of fat, and many animals (humans included) love the taste of fat. Furthermore, meat and cartilage around the bone can also give the bone extra flavor that your dog can’t resist!


2. Because it gives them something to do

Dogs get bored sometimes, and chewing or playing with a bone gives them something to do. It keeps them mentally and physically occupied – at the same time as enjoying a tasty treat! Boredom is also why dogs chew on other things like toilet paper!


3. Because of instinct

Did you know that the modern dog is actually a descendant of the wolf? It’s true! Wolves had evolved to have the mouth structure and teeth to feast on prey, and their bones. As such, chomping on a bone may come as second nature to your dog, because their ancestors did too! They also do other things because of their ancestry.


4. Because bones are nutritious

Bones contain nutrients! Bones are a rich source of calcium, which your dog benefits from the process of chewing and ingestion. Bones also contain phosphorus – and, together with calcium – are essential minerals used by your dog to make healthy teeth and bones! Furthermore, the cartilage around a bone also contains nutrients like glucosamine which may be good for your dog’s joints. Bone marrow inside bones are a source of fat, and any left-over meat on the bone contains protein, all of which are very important! We talk about more benefits of feeding your dog raw bones here.


5. Because of dental health

A dog chewing on a bone is almost like a human brushing their teeth! Except the toothbrush in this case is the bone. The grinding and scraping action of the dog’s teeth against the bone can remove plaque and residual food around each tooth, essentially cleaning it. It can also help massage the gums which may be beneficial too.


More information

So now you know why dogs love to chew bones! If you want to find out more about feeding your dog raw bones, such as the pros and cons of feeding it to your dog, click here. Or, if your dog is chewing toilet paper, find out why and how to prevent it here.

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