Can dogs eat calamari?

deep fried calamari with salad

Yes, and no! Generally yes, if it is plain and cooked by steaming or boiling. No, if it is cooked in oil with lots of extra things added (such as oil, salt, garlic, onions or chives).

What is calamari?

When people talk about calamari, they are talking about the culinary name of squid. Calamari is a delicious seafood many of us humans enjoy. We eat them in a variety of dishes – as part of a serving of fish and chips, in Spanish paella, or in soups or stews. You will see them commonly served cut up into ‘rings’ from the body. The tentacles are also served in dishes as well.


The calamari, or squid, that gets eaten across the world is comprised of several varieties. In the UK, for example, you will commonly find the Atlantic or European Squid on the menu, while elsewhere you may find the Argentine short fin squid. Squids are cephalopods, and have a long, almost cone shaped body with tentacles. Raw, they are soft and slippery. Some people think they taste like octopuses – that’s because octopuses and squids are both cephalopods.

Can dogs have calamari?

corgi dog smiling

Well, that depends. Generally, if the calamari is cooked in a dog friendly way (that is, by boiling or steaming and served plain) then they should be able to have calamari. However, if the calamari is cooked in any method that adds oils, fats and extras – then the answer is no. A lot of the time you will find calamari prepared in a not-so dog friendly method when you are dining out, especially when it is breaded or battered.


You may also wonder about raw calamari, or squid, and if it is safe to feed this to your dog. Some people do feed their dog raw squid with no issues, however that may not apply to your dog – and it also depends on your seafood supplier as well. Fresh calamari is definitely better than old calamari that has been caught a long time ago. If unsure, it’s best to avoid raw altogether. And if your dog is having issues eating any calamari – then avoid all types of calamari – whether raw or cooked.

How to prepare calamari for dogs?

We suggest the below when preparing and serving calamari to your pet dog:

  • Steam the calamari
  • Boil the calamari
  • Serve with other foods your dog eats
  • Serve by themselves as a snack
  • Serve them plain
  • Serve them in moderation
  • Cut up the calamari into manageable pieces for your dog to eat
  • Remove the beak and quill, as well as any other hard or inedible portions if you are using the whole squid


When preparing and serving calamari, some things to avoid are below:

  • onions, garlic and chives
  • grapes and raisins
  • artificial sweeteners such as xylitol
  • avocado
  • macadamia nuts
  • milk or dairy
  • too much salt
  • too much sugar
  • too much oils or fats


It’s usually OK to feed your dog calamari, or squid, in moderate quantities. It’s recommended to avoid any added ingredients to the calamari. If you make sure the calamari is dog friendly before you feed it to them, your dog will love you for it!

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