Can dogs eat Slim Jims?

slim jims on shelves

Slim Jims in very small quantities should not harm your dog, however we recommend you feed them a healthier alternative.

What is a Slim Jim?

Slim Jims – they are a popular snack many of us know and love. They have been around for decades, and are a ‘meat stick’ snack, resembling a mini salami stick. The original flavour contains beef, pork and mechanically separated chicken. Slim Jims also contain soy flour, corn syrup, salt and many other additives (it’s a long list!). So, as you can see, they are quite a processed product. Each stick of Slim Jims (that’s 12.5g) contains 4.5g of fat, 210mg of sodium and 2g of protein.

Can dogs have Slim Jims?

dog with owner on grass

If your dog has eaten a small amount of Slim Jim, either accidentally or as a treat, it should be fine. However, we do recommend you avoid feeding it to them. This is because while they are a good source of protein, they also contain a relatively high amount of fat and sodium for their small size. Also, a preservative used in Slim Jims is sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite is used in some commercial pet foods as well, and in small quantities it is not a worry – however in high enough quantities it is toxic to dogs. As always, if you notice your dog acting strange after having Slim Jims – such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or showing any other signs of discomfort – it’s best to have them checked out by a professional vet.


Slim Jims are a popular snack enjoyed by humans, however due to their high fat and sodium levels, as well as processed nature of the food, it is best avoided for your dog. We all want what’s best for our pets, so feeding them a natural, balanced diet filled with the right nutrients is best.

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