How to Cook Chicken for Your Dog – 3 Easy Ways!

chicken breast on a plate

You can cook chicken for your dog in many ways – but here we will be covering three of the easiest and healthiest methods below. Each cooking method does not need any added seasoning, fats or oils, which is best for your pet. Keep reading to find out more!


Some tips before we begin:

  • Believe it or not, some dogs are allergic to chicken. If your dog is allergic to chicken, then maybe try another meat instead.
  • Choose a fresh piece of chicken – rotten chicken can make your dog sick.
  • Chicken breast works best – it is low fat, high protein and easiest to prepare. It is also easy to find from your local butcher or grocery store, prepared and without bones.
  • Use pieces of chicken meat without bones if possible. Cooked chicken bones can splinter and become a choking hazard once swallowed. It can also puncture the digestive tract of your dog. Otherwise if cooking with bones, then remove the bones before serving.
  • Make sure the chicken is cooked through when finished. If not, then return to cooking until it is ready. Cooking properly will kill pathogens such as salmonella in the meat.
  • Don’t add any extra seasonings, oils or fats – just the chicken and, if the recipe calls for it, water. Any other extras can be unhealthy for your dog.


Method 1: How to boil chicken for your dog

Our first method is boiling the chicken. You just need a pot, a stove top and some water – great if you don’t have an oven!

  1. Place the chicken meat in a pot and fill the pot with water.
  2. Cover the pot and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, you can reduce the heat to a medium simmer for 10-15 mins, or until cooked through.
  4. Remove the chicken from the pot and let it cool.
  5. Shred or chop the boiled chicken meat into pet-friendly portions.
  6. Feed your dog!


Method 2: How to bake chicken for your dog

Our second method is great if you have an oven. You just need a baking tray and an oven. Using a timer, you can set and forget!

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F to 400°F.
  2. Place the chicken, evenly spread, on an oven safe tray.
  3. Place the tray into the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until cooked.
  4. Remove the chicken from the oven and let it cool.
  5. Shred or chop the baked chicken meat into suitable sizes.
  6. You can now serve your pet pooch!


Method 3: How to steam chicken for your dog

Our third method is very similar to boiling – however instead of submerging the chicken in water, we use the steam from boiling water to cook the chicken. This method is great for retaining the flavors of the chicken while keeping it moist! Steam also cooks faster than boiling!

  1. Fill your steamer or pot with enough water. It should not touch the chicken meat but be enough for the entire cooking time.
  2. Place the chicken meat on your steaming tray or rack and into your steamer or pot.
  3. Cover the steamer or pot and bring the water to a medium simmer. Steam for 10 mins or until cooked through.
  4. Let the chicken cool.
  5. Shred or chop the steamed chicken into manageable portions.
  6. Now it’s time to feed your dog!


Some serving suggestions and add-ons:

Now you know the different ways to cook chicken, you may be wondering – how else can I serve it? See below for some suggestions on what you can add alongside your cooked chicken:

  • Cooked carrots, green beans or broccoli
  • Cooked eggs
  • Cooked corn, quinoa or rice
  • Dog food (wet or dry)

As always, ensure to feed your dog these only in moderation and suitable amounts.


How do I know if the chicken has completely cooked?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a way of determining if the chicken is safely cooked is by using a food thermometer. The chicken should reach a minimum internal temperature of 165°F throughout.


How long can I store cooked or uncooked chicken?

According to the USDA, fresh chicken lasts 1 to 2 days refrigerated and is optimal for 9 months to a year frozen. Cooked leftover chicken lasts longer at 3 to 4 days in the fridge and is optimal up to 4 months in the freezer. Frozen foods can actually remain safe indefinitely, although the quality may suffer if left for too long. See the table below for a summary:


Refrigerator 40 °F or below

Freezer 0 °F or below (Freezer storage is for quality only. Frozen foods remain safe indefinitely.)

Fresh Chicken, whole

1 to 2 days

1 year

Fresh Chicken, parts

1 to 2 days

9 months

Cooked Chicken, Leftover

3 to 4 days

4 months

Table adapted from USDA

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