Can Dogs Eat Squash? With Serving Suggestions!

squash at a farmers market

What is a squash?

The term ‘squash’ actually describes a family of plants that includes butternut squash, pumpkin squash, zucchini squash, yellow squash and much more! Because squashes contain seeds, they are considered to be technically a fruit, rather than a vegetable. However, they are commonly referenced as a vegetable by a lot of people.

Summer squashes include zucchini, yellow squash, and patty pan squash. The skin of these squashes are softer, tender and edible.

Winter squashes tend to have hard skin and firmer flesh. Common varieties include butternut squash and pumpkin squash.

dog lying on grass eating squash

Can dogs have squash?

The good news is, yes, dogs can have squash! Squash can be rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B and C, potassium, and antioxidants. They are also a source of fiber which can help maintain healthy bowel movements in your pet. There are some general guidelines you should follow depending on whether you are serving your dog a summer or a winter squash.

  • Wash the squash to be free of dirt and any pathogens.
  • Cut up the squash into manageable portions.
  • Summer squashes can be fed to your dog raw or cooked, with the rind (or skin) as well as the seeds included. This is because they tend to be softer. If you think your dog might have trouble eating the squash, you can always cook it, peel the rind and remove the seeds just in case.
  • Winter squashes should be cooked due to their firmer flesh and rind. Before serving, you should remove all seeds and rind (or skin).
  • When cooking either type of squash, you can boil, steam or even bake.
  • Don’t season or flavor the squash – keep it plain.
  • Feed squash to your dog as part of a balanced diet (they are omnivores after all) and in moderation.


Some serving suggestions with squash:

  • Serve them cut up
  • Mash or blend them into a paste for easier digestion
  • Serve them with rice, meat, other vegetables and/or dog food
  • Serve them as an occasional snack or treat

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